Our Services
Therapeutic Services
Assessment, Intervention, Training, Supervision & Consultancy Services
We offer a wide range of specialist assessment, therapeutic, consultancy, and training services for adoptive and birth parents, carers and professionals working in the field of looked after children, fostering, adoption, and permanence.
Our therapeutic approach involves parents/carers and children together; and promotes the development of healthy attachment relationships, sensory processing and integration, integration of unresolved past trauma, emotions, and improved regulatory capacity.
Assessment Services
Sensory Connections offers a range of specialist assessment services covering the following areas; the child/s needs (pre and post placement), placement needs, relationship and attachment needs, and sensory integration needs.
The assessment includes a detailed discussion with family/carers, and professionals working with the child, a school visit and discussion with the staff there, 1:1 direct assessment with the child (which may include standardized and non-standardized assessments and clinical observations), analysis, comprehensive report with recommendations, and feedback to the family and professionals working with the child and family.
Intervention Approaches
Sensory Integration refers to how people use the information from their environment and their senses. For most of us sensory integration occurs without conscious thought or effort.
Sensory processing difficulties can influence self and co-regulation, movement, learning, and interactions with others and the environment.
Sensory Attachment Intervention (SAI) is an integrative and holistic approach to the treatment of relational, medical, and sensory trauma. Intervention helps the child/young person to develop the necessary foundations for skill development in emotional, social, motor, and cognitive areas. Further Information can be found here.

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